Monday, April 14, 2008

Kentucky Republican Refers to Obama as "That boy"

Sounds like we missed a real laugh-fest this weekend at the Northern Kentucky 4th Congressional District Lincoln Day Dinner. Citing a recent "highly classified, national security simulation" in which he participated with Senator Barack Obama, Rep. Geoff Davis delivered the classic punchline, "That boy's finger does not need to be on the button." (This was after he warmed up the audience by referring to Obama as a "snake oil salesman.") Also on the bill, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell did this riff on Hillary Clinton's faltering presidential bid: "'I hear she hasn't been this worried since a new Hooters opened' near her home with former President Bill Clinton, McConnell said, prompting laughs from the 400 Northern Kentucky Republicans." The crowd then repaired to a nearby parking lot, where they burned a cross.


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