Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Varmit Getter


Take care of your unit

DO NOT leave out in the rain Make sure flash arrester screen have zero obstruction on screen. they need to be looked at from time to time turn tank off and relieve pressure from gas lines when not in use

Back filling

Varmitgetter is designed to be back filled ,simply kick some of the loose dirt on to the foot of the wand step on and pack dirt, c keep concusion in the tunnel and noise level down

Larger Pest like praire dogs ground hogs use sand bags/ blast mat


The only reason the badger is there is because there is a food source. be it gophers, ground squirrels, you must get rid of the food source no food supply ,no Badger


You can control year round, But to eradicate them hit it hard in the Spring when the breeding season is on. knock them out before they get out of hand.

Gophers , Moles

In the AM is the time to go after these pest. Afternoon there activity ceases In the spring time they are active in the afternoon


There is a suffocation mode thats use around sensitive areas Sidewalks,patios, etc.etc.

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